Sunday, November 30, 2014

Students Writing Skills Declining. Is Technology to Blame?

With all the updated versions of technology today, there isn't much you can't do. Some would say these updated technologies are gods gift to humans. Others would say, it is messing up the mind and potential of todays generation of students. Whether it be their inteligence, eye sight, or writing skills, everyone has an opinion on it. I however disagree that it messes up students academic abilities. For some, yes it does mess their mind u because they rely to much on it. Although, that is not the case for most. A students writing skill varies with each different mind and creativity level. With these writing genius's, the internet can play a big role in their writing career. For example, they could start postings their writings on a blog or even publishing it to website where they can make chapters and even a book of their own. Furthermore, I would say that the internet is not the cause for writing skills declining. The internet is a place where the author can reach a greater audience and have more range to publish whatever they like.

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