Sunday, November 30, 2014

Safety of Personal Information Online

Your Personal information is a big deal and it shouldn't be something you give out to just anyone. You never know who you are deaaling with on the internet when it comes to anyting you do on there. I was curious as to how you can keep your personal information private and secure on the internet. So what does anyone who needs to find something out do? You guessed it,  went to google and did some research. I read an article on keepin your personal information secure. It listed some good tips. In a summary of the article, it said in 2012 more than 16 million individuals were victums of Identity Theft because those people didn't secure their information. I am now going to summarizes the tips the article listed.
  • Tip #1: Be aware of scammers. They are real people waiting for you to put your information out there. For exampe, if you get a supicious email from a business and you're not sure if its legitimate, close the email, go to the web, search the web address and send customer service an email.
  • Tip #2: Securely Dispose of Your Personal Information. Meaning, shredd any documents with your information and recycle any old electronics. Doing these two things will help you out a lot.
  • Tip #3: Secure Your Browser. When you go to a website and you see "https" the "s" stands for secure. This way all your information on thi site is safe and protected.
  • Tip #4: Keep Your Passwords Private. No matter who it is, DO NOT GIVE YOUR PASSWORD OUT to anyone. Don't use personal information in your password either because tere are some very smart hackers wo can get it easily. Also, mix up your password with numbers, letters, and anthing else it allows you to put in your password.
  • Tip #5: Don't Overshare on Social Media. Go to your privacy sttings on your Facebook or Twitter and set some type of privacy to your page if it contains any type of personal information. Also, NEVER post any personal data on your social media pages such Social Security Number and date of birth. No site is worth losing your identity over.
In conclusion, don't put your personal stuff on the internet for everyone to see. Once it's on the internet, there is no going back. It is there to stay. So, be cautious when browsing the internet.
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