Sunday, November 30, 2014

Way Teenagers can use Spreadsheets in their Everyday Life

Teenagers do a lot of things in their daily lives. Whether it's school, their job, after school clubs, to babysitting, they do a lot more than you think. So much that eventually, we're going to need a way to organize it all before it becomes a mess. That's where the spreadsheet comes in handy. It has columns and rows to keep everything neat and in its place. I am going to give you 3 things teens can use a spread for.

  1. Classes and your grade in that class. With all the classes teens are given in middle and high school, it's often hard to keep up with work and grades. Spreadsheet is the perfect way to keep it all organized.
  2. If you play a sport, you can keep track of the teams you play against and if you won or lost. It can be tiring to keep track of this information after playing and running around.
  3. Your Job. With a spreadsheet, you can keep track of how much you get paid weekly, every 2 weeks, or every month and then add it all at the end of the month or year to see your monthly earnings and yearly earnings.
See, there are many things you can use spreadsheets for. These are just a couple examples teens can use spreadsheets for.

Photo Sites: ages-teenager.gif (201×304)toll_1.png (622×512)highscool-logo2.jpg (432×243)

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